Report 2024
Trafalgar Day Reunion Dinner ... 19th October 2024
New Format!
There was a big decline in take-up for the Reunion Dinner this year. From a peak of 70 a few years ago, to 50ish to 30+ last year. This year we were just 15. As a result, we cannot engage external caterers and fill the Assembly Hall as we have in previous years and a new format was hatched.
To meet and greet in the School : we held the Society AGM then Reception Drinks for all in the main building and the Nelson Room. This was followed by a welcome address in the Assembly Hall and new Organist Roger O'Leary battled with the out of tune instrument to enable us to sing the School Song, under the organ and aside the Burgess donated portrait of Nelson. This was of course the ideal time to raise the toast to the School and College. This aspect of 'School' life is something not experienced by College era students, but that didn't stop them participating in the rousing rendition!
Then to 'Nelson House' which is otherwise the LaBone Indian Restaurant who did a fine job of catering a la carte for all tastes, including low alcohol lager and soft drinks for those needing to drive later. For the rest of the party, special labelled red and white 'french' wine (what better or more appropriate - thanks to Iain Maxted and neighbour) was freely flowing.
Mark Northway, our incoming President, provided an interesting after dinner talk of the Storm after the Battle of Trafalgar - as tragic for both forces and resulting in several fights for survival against the elements - with crews working together to save themselves and ships. The seated, silent toast to the Immortal Memory of Nelson, with Port (from of course Portugal, who supported England at Trafalgar, thanks to David Gidden), was the conclusion of the reunion (save for final celebration in the Kings Arms into the early hours.)
In summary, despite the lower numbers this year, the new format worked very well. Time (and numbers) will determine if we can return to the Assembly Hall and 'school dinner' style catering!
We will recruit and encourage new members of all cohorts to attend the 220th Anniversary of Trafalgar.
Footnote for the traditional Trafalgar Day reunion in Sydney, Australia. Numbers also halved (from 2 to 1 !) as Archie Fraser is in recovery from a medical procedure and Mike Cuming will have to toast alone til next year..
There was a big decline in take-up for the Reunion Dinner this year. From a peak of 70 a few years ago, to 50ish to 30+ last year. This year we were just 15. As a result, we cannot engage external caterers and fill the Assembly Hall as we have in previous years and a new format was hatched.
To meet and greet in the School : we held the Society AGM then Reception Drinks for all in the main building and the Nelson Room. This was followed by a welcome address in the Assembly Hall and new Organist Roger O'Leary battled with the out of tune instrument to enable us to sing the School Song, under the organ and aside the Burgess donated portrait of Nelson. This was of course the ideal time to raise the toast to the School and College. This aspect of 'School' life is something not experienced by College era students, but that didn't stop them participating in the rousing rendition!
Then to 'Nelson House' which is otherwise the LaBone Indian Restaurant who did a fine job of catering a la carte for all tastes, including low alcohol lager and soft drinks for those needing to drive later. For the rest of the party, special labelled red and white 'french' wine (what better or more appropriate - thanks to Iain Maxted and neighbour) was freely flowing.
Mark Northway, our incoming President, provided an interesting after dinner talk of the Storm after the Battle of Trafalgar - as tragic for both forces and resulting in several fights for survival against the elements - with crews working together to save themselves and ships. The seated, silent toast to the Immortal Memory of Nelson, with Port (from of course Portugal, who supported England at Trafalgar, thanks to David Gidden), was the conclusion of the reunion (save for final celebration in the Kings Arms into the early hours.)
In summary, despite the lower numbers this year, the new format worked very well. Time (and numbers) will determine if we can return to the Assembly Hall and 'school dinner' style catering!
We will recruit and encourage new members of all cohorts to attend the 220th Anniversary of Trafalgar.
Footnote for the traditional Trafalgar Day reunion in Sydney, Australia. Numbers also halved (from 2 to 1 !) as Archie Fraser is in recovery from a medical procedure and Mike Cuming will have to toast alone til next year..
Nelsons Column must not fall! - The Times, 21st Oct 2024
Thanks to Mark Northway who found this for the Reunion.
RSVP 2024
19th October 2024, Paston School
This year, new format, new organist, new Chairman, new attendees?
Reserve / Book / Pay now. £42.50 per head.
7.30pm sparkling reception in the Old Nelson Room, and 8pm in the Assembly Hall, with the organ and the portrait of Nelson.
See the RSVP Invitation here, and/or complete the form and do bank transfer (or credit card in the Shop.
Barclays Bank (Society of Old Pastonians)
Account Number: 60816256
Sort Code: 20-03-26
Alternatively via Credit Card in the SOP Shop
This year, new format, new organist, new Chairman, new attendees?
Reserve / Book / Pay now. £42.50 per head.
7.30pm sparkling reception in the Old Nelson Room, and 8pm in the Assembly Hall, with the organ and the portrait of Nelson.
See the RSVP Invitation here, and/or complete the form and do bank transfer (or credit card in the Shop.
Barclays Bank (Society of Old Pastonians)
Account Number: 60816256
Sort Code: 20-03-26
Alternatively via Credit Card in the SOP Shop

sop_invite_2024.pdf | |
File Size: | 107 kb |
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Sponsor a Young-un...
In order to encourage more attendance from College era Old Pastonians, we are proposing a 'sponsor a young-un' for the annual reunion Dinner. If you are a such a person, and are under-30 on the 21st October of the year of the Dinner, email us here: [email protected]. We will find an Old Boy sponsor to fund the attendance price, for at least your first year.
Report 2023
Trafalgar Day Reunion Dinner ... 21st October 2023
History is made! On this Trafalgar Day several firsts occurred.
1. The first Sixth Form era Old Pastonians attended
2. The first Lady Old Pastonians attended
3. The first Hog roast event
4. The first live stream/VC
5. The first fat basterd(sic) comedian (self confessed!)
(postscript 2024: 1 or more of the above has offered an excuse for some to stop attending. It is hoped we will continue from good to better and find the right balance of change.)
Seriously, for all the above, we had a great night. The catering worked a bit like school dinners as we filed up and it made a more relaxed and drawn out dining period, with a chance to mix, and importantly, have seconds. The new Old Pastonians settled in to the format like ducks to hoisin sauce and the comedian (thanks Gary Marshall) didn't hold back with his anecdotes... his wit occasionally being far too fast for our cohoort. It could have been his accent as he came all the way from Doncaster for the gig. Thanks to the incoming Chair, Mr Iain Maxted for arranging, and funding this endeavour, together with a copious supply of his French wine. On that note we also say thanks to Nigel Horner-Glister for his Chairmanship over the past 9 years, and his dedication to the School and Society which I am sure will continue.
Our toast master (John Driscoll) dabbled in some table service and herding, and Mr David Gidden, newly appointed President, regaled us with the story of how the news of Trafalgar, and Nelsons demise was rushed and hotly contested en-route to the Admiralty - “Sir, we have gained a great victory, but we have lost Lord Nelson”. Followed by the Immortal Memory Port toast (left handed, silent, seated).
A big thanks to Mr David Yates for his duties with the Organ once more - finding pipes that remained (mostly) in tune and we had our normal 3 verses of the School Song to round off the evening - later than usual to the extra content and format, and even the 'sixth formers' had a go (that's the spirit).
On to next year and new horizons.
-JD, Secretary, SOP
Footnote: sadly Nelsons column was defaced with grafiti on this day of all days (the actual anniversary). Just some moronic act and nothing to do with Trafalgar, or activities in Israel/Palestine.
1. The first Sixth Form era Old Pastonians attended
2. The first Lady Old Pastonians attended
3. The first Hog roast event
4. The first live stream/VC
5. The first fat basterd(sic) comedian (self confessed!)
(postscript 2024: 1 or more of the above has offered an excuse for some to stop attending. It is hoped we will continue from good to better and find the right balance of change.)
Seriously, for all the above, we had a great night. The catering worked a bit like school dinners as we filed up and it made a more relaxed and drawn out dining period, with a chance to mix, and importantly, have seconds. The new Old Pastonians settled in to the format like ducks to hoisin sauce and the comedian (thanks Gary Marshall) didn't hold back with his anecdotes... his wit occasionally being far too fast for our cohoort. It could have been his accent as he came all the way from Doncaster for the gig. Thanks to the incoming Chair, Mr Iain Maxted for arranging, and funding this endeavour, together with a copious supply of his French wine. On that note we also say thanks to Nigel Horner-Glister for his Chairmanship over the past 9 years, and his dedication to the School and Society which I am sure will continue.
Our toast master (John Driscoll) dabbled in some table service and herding, and Mr David Gidden, newly appointed President, regaled us with the story of how the news of Trafalgar, and Nelsons demise was rushed and hotly contested en-route to the Admiralty - “Sir, we have gained a great victory, but we have lost Lord Nelson”. Followed by the Immortal Memory Port toast (left handed, silent, seated).
A big thanks to Mr David Yates for his duties with the Organ once more - finding pipes that remained (mostly) in tune and we had our normal 3 verses of the School Song to round off the evening - later than usual to the extra content and format, and even the 'sixth formers' had a go (that's the spirit).
On to next year and new horizons.
-JD, Secretary, SOP
Footnote: sadly Nelsons column was defaced with grafiti on this day of all days (the actual anniversary). Just some moronic act and nothing to do with Trafalgar, or activities in Israel/Palestine.
Report 2022
Trafalgar Day Reunion Dinner ....22nd October 2022
Lordy, Lordy... Dew yew know the Bishop a Norwich?
If so, it is perhaps because the Port stopped at your station, and you were reminded of the story and tradition of passing Port to the left.
The Trafalgar Dinner Reunion tradition itself re-started with a slightly smaller contingent but with some new-old faces amongst them.
Dinner was quite aqequate when you consider that there are no longer any kitchen facilities on site now, and the caterers bustle around very efficiently. The Sherry Trifle certainly had a kick.
Our Master of Ceremonies kept the agenda rolling, with some pomp, and formality (but light hearted) and 'Lord' John Dring stood in as guest speaker to provide some jokes along with some Nelson/tradition words.
The Assembly Hall continues to change over time, but we remarked that while the stage is no longer there, the old rope hooks from its days as a Gymasium were still in place, as is the huge portrait of Nelson on the South wall, overseeing proceedings (donated Ben Burgess, 1956). The organ was in (fine?) form and coaxed into action by new organist Mr David Yates, on his return to Paston after 72 years.
Noted that almost all could sing the whole 3 verses of the School Song from ingrained memory (but words are provided, and peeping for assurance is allowed).
Mike Cuming and Arch Fraser continued their Trafalgar Day in the Lord Nelson Hotel, Sydney. See the Blog HERE
Next year the Dinner will be on Trafalgar Day itself (Sat 21st October 2023) and we hope (and will plan) for a slightly extended edition, with a suggestion of a small overview of the current Paston (College) working, plans, and of course something Trafalgar.
Be Good, Be Better (para phrase)
The Trafalgar Dinner Reunion tradition itself re-started with a slightly smaller contingent but with some new-old faces amongst them.
Dinner was quite aqequate when you consider that there are no longer any kitchen facilities on site now, and the caterers bustle around very efficiently. The Sherry Trifle certainly had a kick.
Our Master of Ceremonies kept the agenda rolling, with some pomp, and formality (but light hearted) and 'Lord' John Dring stood in as guest speaker to provide some jokes along with some Nelson/tradition words.
The Assembly Hall continues to change over time, but we remarked that while the stage is no longer there, the old rope hooks from its days as a Gymasium were still in place, as is the huge portrait of Nelson on the South wall, overseeing proceedings (donated Ben Burgess, 1956). The organ was in (fine?) form and coaxed into action by new organist Mr David Yates, on his return to Paston after 72 years.
Noted that almost all could sing the whole 3 verses of the School Song from ingrained memory (but words are provided, and peeping for assurance is allowed).
Mike Cuming and Arch Fraser continued their Trafalgar Day in the Lord Nelson Hotel, Sydney. See the Blog HERE
Next year the Dinner will be on Trafalgar Day itself (Sat 21st October 2023) and we hope (and will plan) for a slightly extended edition, with a suggestion of a small overview of the current Paston (College) working, plans, and of course something Trafalgar.
Be Good, Be Better (para phrase)
Report 2021
Virtual Trafalgar Day ....23rd October 2021
Advertised later than intended but nearly 20 turned up which was a really good group for interaction. Thanks to the IT helpers (family) who got folks set up.
Running order:
Addendum: one of the facts was apparently wrong. Nelsons first command was in fact HMS Hinchinbrook when he was made a Captain just before his 20th birthday. (he may have commanded HMS Albemarle pre-captain).
Also, asked how Nelson became a Lord - it came with the award of Baron of the Nile for his most gallant battle there. (apparently a Baron is a Lord). Whether this would have entitled him to apply to be a sitting Lord at the House in Westminster, I am not sure, but I suspect yes, had he survived Trafalgar and taken to politics once again. He had tried when between wars with France and on half pay in England, but whilst others got positions, he did not and he pleaded with regular visits to the Admiralty for a commission back to sea. He ever dreamed of honour and glory.
Thanks all.
The expectation is that in 2022 we will resume physical reunion on the Saturday 22nd October, and also continue a virtual reunion like this year on Trafalgar Day itself, which works well for those scattered far and wide.
Also, asked how Nelson became a Lord - it came with the award of Baron of the Nile for his most gallant battle there. (apparently a Baron is a Lord). Whether this would have entitled him to apply to be a sitting Lord at the House in Westminster, I am not sure, but I suspect yes, had he survived Trafalgar and taken to politics once again. He had tried when between wars with France and on half pay in England, but whilst others got positions, he did not and he pleaded with regular visits to the Admiralty for a commission back to sea. He ever dreamed of honour and glory.
Thanks all.
The expectation is that in 2022 we will resume physical reunion on the Saturday 22nd October, and also continue a virtual reunion like this year on Trafalgar Day itself, which works well for those scattered far and wide.
Report 2020
Trafalgar Day Reunion Dinner 2020 (canceled but...)
Virtual Trafalgar Day ....21st October 2020
The Evening’s Programme
No Sherry Reception
8pm Zoom
Reunion Welcome and First Toast of the Evening
proposed by John Dring, Secretary, Society of Old Pastonians
Loyal Toast to The Queen
John Dring
A short account of the Battle of Trafalgar
Will propose the Port toast to “Nelson’s Immortal Memory”
(Please Remain Seated, Left Hand)
Iain Maxted
Dispersed Pastonians
will introduce and propose the toast to ‘The Paston School’
School Song !
An attempt at a remote rendition of the School Song, for traditional purposes, to a previous recording! All unmuted.
Open Forum
An attempt to give the floor to anyone for comments, hellos, goodbyes. Raise your virtual ‘hand’ to be un-muted
Over 30 Old Pastonians joined the evening. Good response for a last minute notification. We kicked off with the National Anthem and then an account of the Battle of Trafalgar. Not too long or it would have been too boring, but hopefully interesting enough. (note: wiki is a very good account worth a read HERE. It really was a tough battle AND storm after)
We toasted Nelson and discussed 'dispersed Pastonians' since we had people from Australia, US, Europe, UK on the call.
The open forum was interesting as we recounted various stories from the past, discussed some school trips, masters and headmasters. It was good to see Old Boys wearing their School Caps even! Very impressed so many setup with good audio and video, - many using their wives' zoom account which was slightly confusing! (Judy, margo, Anne...).
And yes, we sang the School Song. Sadly the recording of this slightly bizarre episode failed me, but that's what memories are for. Maybe next year we will do another Virtual Reunion and/or a livestream of the real Dinner.
Stay Safe Everyone.
No Sherry Reception
8pm Zoom
Reunion Welcome and First Toast of the Evening
proposed by John Dring, Secretary, Society of Old Pastonians
Loyal Toast to The Queen
John Dring
A short account of the Battle of Trafalgar
Will propose the Port toast to “Nelson’s Immortal Memory”
(Please Remain Seated, Left Hand)
Iain Maxted
Dispersed Pastonians
will introduce and propose the toast to ‘The Paston School’
School Song !
An attempt at a remote rendition of the School Song, for traditional purposes, to a previous recording! All unmuted.
Open Forum
An attempt to give the floor to anyone for comments, hellos, goodbyes. Raise your virtual ‘hand’ to be un-muted
Over 30 Old Pastonians joined the evening. Good response for a last minute notification. We kicked off with the National Anthem and then an account of the Battle of Trafalgar. Not too long or it would have been too boring, but hopefully interesting enough. (note: wiki is a very good account worth a read HERE. It really was a tough battle AND storm after)
We toasted Nelson and discussed 'dispersed Pastonians' since we had people from Australia, US, Europe, UK on the call.
The open forum was interesting as we recounted various stories from the past, discussed some school trips, masters and headmasters. It was good to see Old Boys wearing their School Caps even! Very impressed so many setup with good audio and video, - many using their wives' zoom account which was slightly confusing! (Judy, margo, Anne...).
And yes, we sang the School Song. Sadly the recording of this slightly bizarre episode failed me, but that's what memories are for. Maybe next year we will do another Virtual Reunion and/or a livestream of the real Dinner.
Stay Safe Everyone.
Report 2019
Thanks to all in attendance for a good evening, following the annual AGM. It was a different occasion this year - facilitated by Toastmaster John Driscoll, with some 40+ Old Boys in attendance squeezed together due to larger tables. We heard about Nelson's time at the School from outgoing President David Gidden and then the history of the toast from John Driscoll. Patrick Beales again obliged us on the organ for the National Anthem and School Song - always a lottery who gets to sing Rule Britannia for the last verse. You would think that with most of us 50+ we would all sing that, but we leave it to the 'seniors'.
Report 2018
Thanks once again to Nigel Horner-Glister for the extensive arrangements and catering this year. Thanks to Patrick Beales as our new organist and for delivering faultless National Anthem and School Song accompaniment. After Dinner speakers Richard Wright and Patrick Nearney provided wit, humour and laughter
Trafalgar Day Reunion Dinner 2017
21st October 2017
Thanks to all Old Pastonians that attended the 2017 Trafalgar Dinner, on the 212th Anniversary of Trafalgar Day, 21st October 2017.
A good turn out and a hearty rendition of The School Song to conclude the evening.
A good turn out and a hearty rendition of The School Song to conclude the evening.
Trafalgar Dinner 2016
Do you need your chimney sweeping?
If you had been at the Trafalgar Day Reunion Dinner, 22nd October 2016, you would know exactly why? Thanks again to Joe Woodcock for regaling us with more Norfolk wit about Arthur, as well as a factual reflection on the love life of Admiral Nelson with Emma Hamilton.
If you had been at the Trafalgar Day Reunion Dinner, 22nd October 2016, you would know exactly why? Thanks again to Joe Woodcock for regaling us with more Norfolk wit about Arthur, as well as a factual reflection on the love life of Admiral Nelson with Emma Hamilton.
Trafalgar Day Reunion Dinner 2015
Do you have a goldfish?
If not, then I can tell, amongst other things, that you did not make the Annual Trafalgar Day Reunion Dinner 2015 !
A good time was had by all (I believe). As we weren't able to fire up the organ for the School Song this year, we made up for it by singing it twice to piano accompaniment. 14th October 2015.
After Dinner Toasts were proposed by Geff Kidd as the outgoing President, and Joe Woodcock as Guest of Honour, with thanks to Nigel Horner-Glister for again organising the annual AGM and Dinner combined.
If not, then I can tell, amongst other things, that you did not make the Annual Trafalgar Day Reunion Dinner 2015 !
A good time was had by all (I believe). As we weren't able to fire up the organ for the School Song this year, we made up for it by singing it twice to piano accompaniment. 14th October 2015.
After Dinner Toasts were proposed by Geff Kidd as the outgoing President, and Joe Woodcock as Guest of Honour, with thanks to Nigel Horner-Glister for again organising the annual AGM and Dinner combined.
2014 - Trafalgar Day Dinner
Was Saturday 25th October 2014. (a week later than normal due to School availability).
Dinner Toasts 2014 (after National Anthem)0:00 Clipped National Anthem
0:50 Toast to Ivor Kiddle 3:00 Speech and Toast to the School 14:00 Speech and Toast to the Immortal Memory... |
School Song 2014Then the School Song, to the organ accompaniment, thanks to George Hawkes.
SOP Newsletter 2014
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2014 - Trafalgar Day Dinner - North Norfolk News coverage - 2013
The following write-up and pictures of the 19th October 2013 Dinner appeared in the North Norfolk News. Nice ties chaps, and Keith Morris complete with old school blazer and scarf! (Thanks David Anderson for this better copy)
Dinner 2013 - Postscript...
A certain group of OBs have, for several years now, managed to combine a return to the School and the Dinner, with a weekend away with wives and partners. The ladies in this group 'do their own thing' whilst the Trafalgar Dinner takes part (normally a restaurant in town) and on the Sunday 20th all re-united at a Pub venue - this year at the Vernon Arms in Southrepps. See the happy quorum here. Thanks to Keith Morris.
Archived Newsletters

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sop_invite_2022.pdf | |
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2020 and 2021 - Covid intermission

sop_invite_2019.pdf | |
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invite_2018.pdf | |
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invite_2016.pdf | |
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sop_invite_2015.pdf | |
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Trafalgar Dinner Invite 2014 | |
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sop_newsletter_august_2013.doc | |
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