'Alternative' Paston Music
In searching out online Paston references, several will be seen to be music related. certainly from the 70's and 80's as the 'old Paston' was winding down there was a rush of bands. It would be interesting to hear of others from before, particularly in the 60s, or since.
The 'old' and Alternative Paston website had researched quite a bit, and this is recovered here from Nick Stone. (Some of the links no longer work) Another source is: http://www.musicfromtheeastzone.co.uk/ |
The Paston Organ
So iconic, it deserved its own page. See here

The Bands These are going to be in no particular order for the time being and will be dotted with hypothesis and question marks until, we get more info, any pics you've got would be lovely and if we've forgotten anything tell us. Sorry if some of it is p%^& poor, other bits are funny and make up for it.
The first bit of "audio" has appeared in the Johnny Taxman & the Bureaucrats bit. Hold on to your hats...
The Kathlix 1979 - 1979
I know nothing about this bunch so over to an expert: take it away RA.
"Apparently made two "stage" appearances in the 6th form common room and "cut" a tape "Protestants Have More Fun" with tracks like: Washing My Protectives - (Nik "Elvis Costello" Parker) Shag Wagon DFM, My Baby's Up the Stick Blues
Mostly composed by Nik "Elvis Costello" Parker. The Kathlix formed in May '79 and disbanded the same week - but their legacy lives on. Members were Jezz Startup, Nik Parker, Andy Nichols, Rob Aherne, Bob Herron,
Martin Bridgeland.
Nik Parker was even asked to make a solo singing appearance as a male Viking stripper at a "ladies night" at the Bosa Chios. But that's another story...."
Pangea 75? (more like 79)
David Fiske,Simon Thompson,Nick Walpole,Phil Edwards and Ray Fiske. Probably one of the first to play "The Bosa". with a name like that in that era - probably prog. more info?
Miscellany - Circa absolutely no idea.
Jazz apparently, and the main proponent - Doker - bless him, and also a certain Mr Grey, Mr Lester has indicated that they played in the school gym circa 1976, and may well have reached the dizzying heights of "Sheringham Little Theatre" at some point in their musical career. It seems to have been a band not unlike 'the fall' (although not musically - can't really see Doker doing Kicker Conspiracy or Fiery Jack somehow) with a constantly changing membership. Mr Lester also indicates they weren't bad - which implies they were good. Strong suspicions that a certain Philip Moy played with them at some point.
Apparently they did "Glenn Miller" type stuff i.e. Pennsylvania 6500, each member having a lecturn/music stand in front of them, each would stand up in turn and do his solo. If anybody got it wrong, They would instantly be "doodlebugged" by a chalky boardrubber. Did a stunning rendition of "Pretty Vacant" by the Pistols (Not)
'Miscellany' consisted of Doker on Saxophone, John Stables (1969-76 and now a BBC sound engineer) on Drums, Nigel Digby (1969-76) on guitar and I think Mr Grey (former English and RI teacher) on ? clarinet or saxophone. They DID play at Sheringham little theatre probably in 1974, coz I saw them play there - supported by a duo of jazz guitar players called String Jam.
A lad called Holmes (1970-77) played clarinet and Paul Life (same years, nor relation of Standard Life) was on bass guitar. Holmes was also in the orchestra for the G&S productions along with Millington on violin and deep bowl pipe.
Dr RP.
Moon - date unknown but must be very early 82?
experimental bollocks
- Bill Allard
Pictured above: Bill rehearsing in the Gym on his Big red kit called William, which is a very pretty name. Bill is almost impercetably wearing a "Tygers of Pan Tang" T-Shirt, of which it is hoped he is still suitably red faced about. I seem to remember the photo was taken on an evening when Bill was rehearsing with Michael Bane and Jem French which included a large number of hangers on, not least of which was me - NS
I seem to remember we had very little in the way of equipment, Steve had an acoustic guitar, I had an electric 'Top Twenty' Strat copy - very woolworths - bought for £20 from Paddy Woodham which was used as a bass. Bills red drum kit, Bill's casio keyboard (which I still have - Nick). and a mouth organ, It sounded great, err no it didn't it was probably shite, and I was planning to keep it quiet.
- Nick Stone
Bill Allard - Drums
Steve Little - Guitar
Nick Stone - Bass
Colin Brown - Saxophone
Bill reckons One rehearsal in a village hall in Trimingham, Nick reckon one rehearsal in Bill's living room then -
Moon 2
Bill Allard - Drums
Steve Little - Guitar
Nick Stone - Bass
Colin Brown - Saxophone (see half time oranges)
Martin Pinnel - Violin
One rehearsal in Martin's dad's workshop in Laundry Loke,North Walsham. Martin had to play in a separate room so he could hear himself. I seem to remember any songs we did contained the same 4 chords (which was a lot for us) was brought to an abrupt end by three burly gypsies threatening to cut off our penises if we didn't shut up. thankfully never gigged
Passiondale - Circa 1982/83.
Widdly Widdly rock a la Led Zep/Hendrix/ELP (argue about this please) with bluesy style vocals from somebody whose voice broke in about 1960. Strange Cape wearing guitarist - actually it looked like a curtain - who shall remain forever nameless (Steve) Over to Bill:
First year of sixth form.
Bill Allard - Drums
Steve Little - Guitar
Martin Risebro - Bass
Martin falls of skateboard, mum won't let him play anymore (so rock'n'roll...) so..
Bill Allard - Drums
Steve Little - Guitar
Jeremy French - Bass
Jem was an axe hero and really wanted to play lead, but joined to help us out of a sticky patch..that'll be North Norfolk then.I digress..this was then supplemented (oh god help us.) by Beaky on vocals
Bill Allard - Drums
Steve Little - Guitar
Jeremy French - Bass
Stephen 'Beaky' Cooper - vocals
Did one gig at end of term in Girls gym supporting the Hellfire Club - they were serious, we were rock gods - guess who won? Beaky wore a top-hat, Jem a black tabbard and cowboy hat, Steve trashed his amp and guitar and we did Jeepster by T-Rex - on a personal note, that was prophetic..
On the strength of such things we laughably believed we had a career, so Beaky was ousted and we were joined by Martin Risebro's employer at the time..Tommy Bell.Tommy had been in various dodgy 60's / 70's outfits but crucially had a PA, so.
Bill Allard - Drums
Steve Little - Guitar
Jeremy French - Bass
Tommy Bell - vocals
The classic line-up! Points to note - when Martin was removed by his Mum he actually went on to attend more rehearsals than anyone else and was a tireless supporter and friend - respect due..however he never actually played keys for Passiondale.
Oh and we were actually offered a residency at the Apollo Club after the
gig - this is absolutely true! But then it closed...
Releases: "Live at the Apollo Health Club" undoubtedly one of their finest moments, in fact probably their only finest moment. One of the clearest recordings of the audience ever, because the tape recorder was too close to the various inlaws, school mates and sisters of the assembled band who discussed the fine details of the set, their perms and whether "beaky wrote this" very loudly.
Other info:
Steve Little has been in some many bands it's makes your head hurt trying to remember them all, the best of which was undoubtedly Hard Cousin, who 'kicked some ass' in their time and Ruby Flipper who are a later form of the same band. Jerry still plays a bit and could also be seen cavorting about in a talent competition dressed as an Arab (with certain mssrs Stone, Cooper & Dack) doing a superb rendition of the sand dance/Egyption Reggae Simon Dack fell off the stage - they came last. Bill has his own studio - and (not very) surprisingly - a big drum kit - he was also in All that Glitters (he's unofficially the nearest we have to cross dresser at least in a professional sense - glam rock does that to you). Martin is also in Ruby Flipper although he now plays bass, which undoubtedly saves a lot of time lugging a Hammond Organ up through Roman Camp to practice.
The Outlet - Circa 1979 Punk post punk stuff
Apparently got a mention on Peel. Eventually became GraGra,The Outlet were:
Paul Taylor, bass and vocals
Tim Jones: Synth
Andy Nobbs: guitar
Nigel Smith - Drums
and possibly Robert Cox doing something. played at the Bosa (didn't we all)Alleged best song: Standing in a crowd
Gra-Gra - Circa 1980/81 Post -punk stuff
Paul Taylor, guitar and vocals
Neil Jones ( brother of Tim): vocals, melodica
Andy Nobbs: guitar
Robert Cox : bass/ vocals ( screaming)
possibly other folk.
Best song was about Thatcher, a clamourous Fall style riff with Robert screaming
" You hate her, but would you kill her?" over the top of it.
Idoclast played a gig with them at Horstead tithe Barn, a benefit for (someone) to take a crap play to the Edinburgh fringe. Played with Idoclast in Mundesley, more to follow....possibly
(At the Horstead gig) The opening act was the "Bigger than Average Armpits", featuring Andy Hacket in a Kaftan. He went on to play in the Rockingbirds, The Fall (very breifly, but thats not unusual) and Edwin Colins band. He has a Paston connection: he lent some equipment to help with one of the end of term gigs in the hall, including a microphone he had got from the Holderns ( who had got it from someone in Genesis apparently (whoopee shit). Any way he got pissed and thrown out for not being a grammar school boy before any of the bands started. He was lucky.
Razor Sharp & The Fallen Heroes
A little link to some pics in Bosa Chios (I think) here: http://norwichmusic.wikia.com/wiki/Fallen_Heroes
Poweraxe - Circa 1983?
This involved people (!), who should from what I remember be very ashamed of themselves
Heavy Rawk - obviously. Details to follow once I've spoken to somebody that knows.
"Karl Rose, Michael Bane, and Sean Holden were all together in a band called PowerAxe - original I know."
Shameless plug: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=899837
Karl Rose IIRC we played a gig in the North Walsham scout hut and Michael collapsed drunk about 2 minutes in. Sean's dad took over on bass. We went from there to even greater obscurity. lol
The Regular John Bindens - Circa 1979
line-up as follows:
Tudman guitar & vocals,
Simon Wones keyboards,
Paul Sargent bass
Robert Brown drums
Lorraine Collins lead vocals - occasionally
Dianne Hare from the Sea View Bagpipes on synth/casio,
The name referred to a well endowed porn star who was on the run accused of murder... they eventually became Idoclast
Thank god that's over (at least for now)
Rigor Mortis circa 80-81
Ian Tebble - Rigor Mortis was me on guitar, Andy Walker on drums , Mick Neville on bass and Jerry Nunn on vocals. Kevin Fiske played a few gigs with us as well including the Bossa Chios
Idoclast - Circa 80/82?
Very little info although they were once The Regular John Bindens.
Lineup will arrive eventually
(May or may not have contained The older brothers of Neil Jones and Carl Sadler and Mike Taylor may have drummed for them, for a very short time, and I mean a short time) Oh by the way the name is a made up word.
Johnny Taxman & the Bureaucrats - Circa 1979 (with audio)
Canis Strange
(see here)
Armageddon - Circa 1980/81
Opinion at the moment seems to indicate this lot were heavy metal and involved Karl Rose (also over the cricket XI see sports pics) on Bass, I've got a feeling, Sean Holden may have been playing drums, which means in a Pete frame kind of way this is a forerunner of Underground Zero. I think there may have been a Michael Bane involved at some point in time, but I'm struggling, Over to Kevin.
19th March 2014 - oops, the above corrected: Clive Matthews ... Not one member [mentioned] correct for Armageddon. I was vocalist. Steve Newey lead guitar. William Wright drummer (not Pastonian but bloody good drummer ). Cant remember if Alistair Wright or Chris Pitcher on bass for that gig. If we did Stairway to Heaven with bass taking flute part was Chris Pitcher !
Chris Pitcher ..... Yes, me on bass, Steve Newey on guitar and non Old Boy "Willum" drumming like a goodun. Rigor Mortis were the band centred round Ian Tebble on guitar, I think. Steve still plays and he's in Suffolk now, we have a mutual friend but I haven't seen him myself for years.
Kevin Danks...
"I remember them doing Smoke on the Water and Black Knight, at the time they were called Armageddon [Ed - wrong, its been established this was PowerAxe - see above]. This would be around 1980 or '81. They had Karl Rose from my year on bass, but he never made it to the concert in the gym, having got paralytic and thrown up, so someone's father had to stand in (the drummer's I think - can't remember his name, was a year or two younger than me) {Sean Holden & Barry Holden? [Ed - it was Sean]}.
Armageddon were famous for arranging to play at a girl's private school near Mundesley, until the headmistress found out and banned it. Rock and roll renegades, or something....."
Underground Zero - Circa forever or at least so it seems
Sean Holden was the Drummer, His dad Barry (who ran Barry's Tackle Den (?) in N.Walsham) was involved I think as Bass player and may well have been a Pastonian of a few years previous. Prone to playing "Hawkwind" genre stuff in a very professional manner. Sean had a massive drum kit which had lots of electrical bits attached to it, I remember from One Gig upstairs at the King's Arms in NW (about 83/84 when he was in the Hellfire Club) the kit took up most of the room. They made lots of records. Go here for the Truth about Norfolks own supergroup http://users.powernet.co.uk/rix/ since I made a lot of this up because I knew scant details and my memory ain't so good. thanks to Andrew Rix for putting me right.The have a website now - much more interesting that this small recollection http://www.undergroundzero.co.uk/
Skreeming Hordes
Green Beach - Circa 1984/85
This lot cross the divide between School and Post School, and whilst I can't remember that much at the moment, I think they contained Malcolm Birtwell and Dave Lewis (I'm not sure Dave was at Paston). Very Smiths in approach and style with some very slick and accomplished Guitar playing. prone to playing dives along the coast such as the Melbourne Lounge. Also appeared on the "Where's Bill Allard now?" compilation tape, which I quote "had it's moments" Over to Bill for a Pete Frame type History thing
Funky Smiths-a-likes out of the Cromerzone stable - many gigs at Melbourne, Village Inn Moons disco, Jacquard Club (Norwich) etc -
Pre Green Beach with no name - pompous overblown Marillion / Simple Minds tosh.
My memory gets hazy now, but I think it was after we had all left and I was working at the Naritch Onion and teamed up with David Lewis who used to give me a lift. He was a well respected drummer on the Cromer circuit and a mate of Malcolm Birtwells, but had gone onto playing bass. We joined up with some lads from North Walsham, who's names escape me, but the guitarist was well-known in NW, was actually very good, blonde hair - any clues (could this be andrew 'buck' hackett - now playing with edwyn collins?) Wasn't at Paston. Vocalist was possibly John Clare (mate of Jon Plumb at the time) -had a flat-top then, about 18 months later got seriously beaten-up in West Runton and was in a coma for a while. I remember he could actually sing. keyboards was a lank youth with crimped hair called Ed I think - he was very young. We used to rehearse in Ed's dad factory unit (at least I think it was Ed's dads.) on the bypass on the road to Yarmouth...nurse the screens, I feel a bowel movement coming on..
After that Dave and I joined-up with Malcolm to form.
Green Beach - aka The Smiths..
Green Beach had been around in various guises for a while, notably with Dave Lewis on Drums, Malcolm on guitar and Bongo (steve something) on bass. He was a long-term mate of Malcolms, been around the Cromer music scene a long time.
Tangent time - I knew Bongo well then: he and I had actually been in a band together years before with Emma Anderson from Sidestrand - she played bass, he played guitar and I'm fairly sure I didn't even have drums then! We actually did one gig at the UEA supporting a punk band called the Pits.they certainly were, and we can only have been even worse..
Anyway, Green Beach flourished - did lots of gigs, recorded the "Annoying the Neighbours" demo and I believe put the wind up the Hellfire Club as they came to see us once and took notes on our performance and stage presence (I kid you not!).also played at the Jacqard supporting Laurence and the Comfortable Society. Jem was in the crowd and all through our sound check they apparently likened us to the Smiths, all through their sound check we likened them to Lloyd Cole...
We sort of disintegrated when I spilt-up with a girlfriend the day of a gig at the Village Inn (hardly Sid and Nancy is it?), Malcolm got pissed in compensation, we were awful and the gig ended with us playing a new song called Dry Your Tears at the end of which Malcolm hurled his wailing guitar to the ground, leaving Dave and I to stumble off stage in a wall of feedback.
final line-up
Malcolm Birtwell - G'tar & words
Dave Lewis - Bass
Bill Allard - Drums
one release "Annoying the Neighbours" recorded and produced by Alistair Murphy released 1986: tracks:
Caution to the wind
Green Beach
Still Waiting
Living your life as a lie
A re-union would truly be something to behold.......speak to me people....
Bill Allard
Hellfire Club - Circa 1982/84
Probably the slickest band to come out of North Norfolk at the time, strictly sixth form only (all coming from coastal High schools) although Kevin Matthews who played Bass had a brother already at the school (Paul Matthews), Synthy moody Goth stuff. They had a manager called Steve, lots of wedgy spikey hair, and groupies at the Girls High... strange stuff indeed. At some point they contained Sean Holden On Drums
line up:
Mark Wilson - Vocals
? - Guitar
Kevin Matthews - Synths/Bass
Steve ? - Keyboards and Manager.
Mark Wilson went on to do Music type stuff in London.
Seaview Bagpipes - Circa 1981/3
Diana Hare was in them more to follow
Skin - Circa 1988/89
Went through various line-ups - contained Phil Innes - famous for his use of firelighters (allegedly) also at several different times contained Tim Hall, Steve Parker and Nick Stone, rehearsed frantically in a piggery in Trimingham, that smelt very bad and was far too close to the radar masts nearby causing very loud interference. after lineup changes galore Phil took over on vocals and did a demo tape, I don't know the line-up when they split. Phil was last seen heading off to London to do a degree (no he's not a fireman)
Half Time Oranges - early to Mid 90's maybe still going.
Contained Colin Brown, Achieved fame for writing songs about football (which is a Norwich band habit - look at serious drinking), and have produced quite a few records, Probably one of the most successful bands mentioned here, with Peel plays etc. - assistance please somebody.
The Joeys - early to Mid 90's.
Contained Richard Tomlinson, who was in the 6th 82 - 84, and is still doing band things apparently. I know not what. Did several singles and appeared on a compilation album. distinctly buzzcocks/undertones. i liked em. Rich where are you when i need help with a write up? releases on noisebox records
Hard Cousin/Ruby Flipper - Mid to late 90's still going.
A Steve Little thing, which initially started with a girl called Emma on vocals, Dibble on Bass and Shaun on Drums. Martin Risebro now plays bass, and they have another drummer. I always particularly rated "Hard Cousin" Quite Avant Garde and heavily Rhythmical, had a split single out on Wilde Club records called Tiger Rider, which didn't really do the live performance justice. Ruby Flipper a much neater and more musical thing.
Emma - Vocals
Steve "Slit" Little - Guitar
Martin Risebro - Bass
? - drums
releases on Wilde Club records
All that Glitters - early to Mid 90's
Apparently very succesful, although I never witnessed the full glory. Glam Covers band - replete with make-up, stack heels and glitter costumes. Contained a certain Bill Allard Esquire with his unfeasably large drum kit. Never get in an arguement with Bill about whose supported the best bands - they supported everybody and played everywhere.
Steerpike - early to Mid 90's
Baby of Nick Stone, Richard Ringer: a non Pastonian, Tim (Hall) Mills, and Mark Watson (6th form 82 - 84) plus Anna Barron (a talented cellist who sank very low when she joined). Played a moody and slightly psychotic brand of Indie, One single - which got played on the Radio several times, several gigs in London. fleeting record company interest and a beer with Uncle John Peel. Promptly split up and did everybody a favour.
Anna Barron - Vocals
Richard Ringer - Guitar/Noise
Tim Mills - Guitar/power chords
Nick Stone - Bass/drinking
Mark Watson - Drums/drinking
Mark is the only ex-pastonian (sort of) that went on to do more music - touring Europe in dodgy vans drumming with 'Yoghurt Belly' and 'Pelt' he now works the desk at a recording studio.
It was a laugh, what more can I say... Oh yes The label has about 40 copies of the record left - we pressed 500... speaks volumes.
releases on noisebox records
Samarkand - late 90's onwards
A Bill Allard thing, entirely self written, recorded and produced, I liked it, The sub-bass is fairly heavy which is good, in my view. Reminiscent of System 7 in my view - but what do I know about such things, cheers for the CD Bill.
Part of the consequence of Jem and I trying to get a band going in London was that I invested in quite a lot of kit - we couldn't find people in the same frame of mind as us, so we set about recording our own stuff, and this took us off into nether-nether land. I got more into techno and stuff and and bought more and more kit, whilst Jem went back to Guitars. Samarkand was the result of my nocturnal twiddlings.
Bill Allard
The first bit of "audio" has appeared in the Johnny Taxman & the Bureaucrats bit. Hold on to your hats...
The Kathlix 1979 - 1979
I know nothing about this bunch so over to an expert: take it away RA.
"Apparently made two "stage" appearances in the 6th form common room and "cut" a tape "Protestants Have More Fun" with tracks like: Washing My Protectives - (Nik "Elvis Costello" Parker) Shag Wagon DFM, My Baby's Up the Stick Blues
Mostly composed by Nik "Elvis Costello" Parker. The Kathlix formed in May '79 and disbanded the same week - but their legacy lives on. Members were Jezz Startup, Nik Parker, Andy Nichols, Rob Aherne, Bob Herron,
Martin Bridgeland.
Nik Parker was even asked to make a solo singing appearance as a male Viking stripper at a "ladies night" at the Bosa Chios. But that's another story...."
Pangea 75? (more like 79)
David Fiske,Simon Thompson,Nick Walpole,Phil Edwards and Ray Fiske. Probably one of the first to play "The Bosa". with a name like that in that era - probably prog. more info?
Miscellany - Circa absolutely no idea.
Jazz apparently, and the main proponent - Doker - bless him, and also a certain Mr Grey, Mr Lester has indicated that they played in the school gym circa 1976, and may well have reached the dizzying heights of "Sheringham Little Theatre" at some point in their musical career. It seems to have been a band not unlike 'the fall' (although not musically - can't really see Doker doing Kicker Conspiracy or Fiery Jack somehow) with a constantly changing membership. Mr Lester also indicates they weren't bad - which implies they were good. Strong suspicions that a certain Philip Moy played with them at some point.
Apparently they did "Glenn Miller" type stuff i.e. Pennsylvania 6500, each member having a lecturn/music stand in front of them, each would stand up in turn and do his solo. If anybody got it wrong, They would instantly be "doodlebugged" by a chalky boardrubber. Did a stunning rendition of "Pretty Vacant" by the Pistols (Not)
'Miscellany' consisted of Doker on Saxophone, John Stables (1969-76 and now a BBC sound engineer) on Drums, Nigel Digby (1969-76) on guitar and I think Mr Grey (former English and RI teacher) on ? clarinet or saxophone. They DID play at Sheringham little theatre probably in 1974, coz I saw them play there - supported by a duo of jazz guitar players called String Jam.
A lad called Holmes (1970-77) played clarinet and Paul Life (same years, nor relation of Standard Life) was on bass guitar. Holmes was also in the orchestra for the G&S productions along with Millington on violin and deep bowl pipe.
Dr RP.
Moon - date unknown but must be very early 82?
experimental bollocks
- Bill Allard
Pictured above: Bill rehearsing in the Gym on his Big red kit called William, which is a very pretty name. Bill is almost impercetably wearing a "Tygers of Pan Tang" T-Shirt, of which it is hoped he is still suitably red faced about. I seem to remember the photo was taken on an evening when Bill was rehearsing with Michael Bane and Jem French which included a large number of hangers on, not least of which was me - NS
I seem to remember we had very little in the way of equipment, Steve had an acoustic guitar, I had an electric 'Top Twenty' Strat copy - very woolworths - bought for £20 from Paddy Woodham which was used as a bass. Bills red drum kit, Bill's casio keyboard (which I still have - Nick). and a mouth organ, It sounded great, err no it didn't it was probably shite, and I was planning to keep it quiet.
- Nick Stone
Bill Allard - Drums
Steve Little - Guitar
Nick Stone - Bass
Colin Brown - Saxophone
Bill reckons One rehearsal in a village hall in Trimingham, Nick reckon one rehearsal in Bill's living room then -
Moon 2
Bill Allard - Drums
Steve Little - Guitar
Nick Stone - Bass
Colin Brown - Saxophone (see half time oranges)
Martin Pinnel - Violin
One rehearsal in Martin's dad's workshop in Laundry Loke,North Walsham. Martin had to play in a separate room so he could hear himself. I seem to remember any songs we did contained the same 4 chords (which was a lot for us) was brought to an abrupt end by three burly gypsies threatening to cut off our penises if we didn't shut up. thankfully never gigged
Passiondale - Circa 1982/83.
Widdly Widdly rock a la Led Zep/Hendrix/ELP (argue about this please) with bluesy style vocals from somebody whose voice broke in about 1960. Strange Cape wearing guitarist - actually it looked like a curtain - who shall remain forever nameless (Steve) Over to Bill:
First year of sixth form.
Bill Allard - Drums
Steve Little - Guitar
Martin Risebro - Bass
Martin falls of skateboard, mum won't let him play anymore (so rock'n'roll...) so..
Bill Allard - Drums
Steve Little - Guitar
Jeremy French - Bass
Jem was an axe hero and really wanted to play lead, but joined to help us out of a sticky patch..that'll be North Norfolk then.I digress..this was then supplemented (oh god help us.) by Beaky on vocals
Bill Allard - Drums
Steve Little - Guitar
Jeremy French - Bass
Stephen 'Beaky' Cooper - vocals
Did one gig at end of term in Girls gym supporting the Hellfire Club - they were serious, we were rock gods - guess who won? Beaky wore a top-hat, Jem a black tabbard and cowboy hat, Steve trashed his amp and guitar and we did Jeepster by T-Rex - on a personal note, that was prophetic..
On the strength of such things we laughably believed we had a career, so Beaky was ousted and we were joined by Martin Risebro's employer at the time..Tommy Bell.Tommy had been in various dodgy 60's / 70's outfits but crucially had a PA, so.
Bill Allard - Drums
Steve Little - Guitar
Jeremy French - Bass
Tommy Bell - vocals
The classic line-up! Points to note - when Martin was removed by his Mum he actually went on to attend more rehearsals than anyone else and was a tireless supporter and friend - respect due..however he never actually played keys for Passiondale.
Oh and we were actually offered a residency at the Apollo Club after the
gig - this is absolutely true! But then it closed...
Releases: "Live at the Apollo Health Club" undoubtedly one of their finest moments, in fact probably their only finest moment. One of the clearest recordings of the audience ever, because the tape recorder was too close to the various inlaws, school mates and sisters of the assembled band who discussed the fine details of the set, their perms and whether "beaky wrote this" very loudly.
Other info:
Steve Little has been in some many bands it's makes your head hurt trying to remember them all, the best of which was undoubtedly Hard Cousin, who 'kicked some ass' in their time and Ruby Flipper who are a later form of the same band. Jerry still plays a bit and could also be seen cavorting about in a talent competition dressed as an Arab (with certain mssrs Stone, Cooper & Dack) doing a superb rendition of the sand dance/Egyption Reggae Simon Dack fell off the stage - they came last. Bill has his own studio - and (not very) surprisingly - a big drum kit - he was also in All that Glitters (he's unofficially the nearest we have to cross dresser at least in a professional sense - glam rock does that to you). Martin is also in Ruby Flipper although he now plays bass, which undoubtedly saves a lot of time lugging a Hammond Organ up through Roman Camp to practice.
The Outlet - Circa 1979 Punk post punk stuff
Apparently got a mention on Peel. Eventually became GraGra,The Outlet were:
Paul Taylor, bass and vocals
Tim Jones: Synth
Andy Nobbs: guitar
Nigel Smith - Drums
and possibly Robert Cox doing something. played at the Bosa (didn't we all)Alleged best song: Standing in a crowd
Gra-Gra - Circa 1980/81 Post -punk stuff
Paul Taylor, guitar and vocals
Neil Jones ( brother of Tim): vocals, melodica
Andy Nobbs: guitar
Robert Cox : bass/ vocals ( screaming)
possibly other folk.
Best song was about Thatcher, a clamourous Fall style riff with Robert screaming
" You hate her, but would you kill her?" over the top of it.
Idoclast played a gig with them at Horstead tithe Barn, a benefit for (someone) to take a crap play to the Edinburgh fringe. Played with Idoclast in Mundesley, more to follow....possibly
(At the Horstead gig) The opening act was the "Bigger than Average Armpits", featuring Andy Hacket in a Kaftan. He went on to play in the Rockingbirds, The Fall (very breifly, but thats not unusual) and Edwin Colins band. He has a Paston connection: he lent some equipment to help with one of the end of term gigs in the hall, including a microphone he had got from the Holderns ( who had got it from someone in Genesis apparently (whoopee shit). Any way he got pissed and thrown out for not being a grammar school boy before any of the bands started. He was lucky.
Razor Sharp & The Fallen Heroes
A little link to some pics in Bosa Chios (I think) here: http://norwichmusic.wikia.com/wiki/Fallen_Heroes
Poweraxe - Circa 1983?
This involved people (!), who should from what I remember be very ashamed of themselves
Heavy Rawk - obviously. Details to follow once I've spoken to somebody that knows.
"Karl Rose, Michael Bane, and Sean Holden were all together in a band called PowerAxe - original I know."
Shameless plug: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=899837
Karl Rose IIRC we played a gig in the North Walsham scout hut and Michael collapsed drunk about 2 minutes in. Sean's dad took over on bass. We went from there to even greater obscurity. lol
The Regular John Bindens - Circa 1979
line-up as follows:
Tudman guitar & vocals,
Simon Wones keyboards,
Paul Sargent bass
Robert Brown drums
Lorraine Collins lead vocals - occasionally
Dianne Hare from the Sea View Bagpipes on synth/casio,
The name referred to a well endowed porn star who was on the run accused of murder... they eventually became Idoclast
Thank god that's over (at least for now)
Rigor Mortis circa 80-81
Ian Tebble - Rigor Mortis was me on guitar, Andy Walker on drums , Mick Neville on bass and Jerry Nunn on vocals. Kevin Fiske played a few gigs with us as well including the Bossa Chios
Idoclast - Circa 80/82?
Very little info although they were once The Regular John Bindens.
Lineup will arrive eventually
(May or may not have contained The older brothers of Neil Jones and Carl Sadler and Mike Taylor may have drummed for them, for a very short time, and I mean a short time) Oh by the way the name is a made up word.
Johnny Taxman & the Bureaucrats - Circa 1979 (with audio)
Canis Strange
(see here)
Armageddon - Circa 1980/81
Opinion at the moment seems to indicate this lot were heavy metal and involved Karl Rose (also over the cricket XI see sports pics) on Bass, I've got a feeling, Sean Holden may have been playing drums, which means in a Pete frame kind of way this is a forerunner of Underground Zero. I think there may have been a Michael Bane involved at some point in time, but I'm struggling, Over to Kevin.
19th March 2014 - oops, the above corrected: Clive Matthews ... Not one member [mentioned] correct for Armageddon. I was vocalist. Steve Newey lead guitar. William Wright drummer (not Pastonian but bloody good drummer ). Cant remember if Alistair Wright or Chris Pitcher on bass for that gig. If we did Stairway to Heaven with bass taking flute part was Chris Pitcher !
Chris Pitcher ..... Yes, me on bass, Steve Newey on guitar and non Old Boy "Willum" drumming like a goodun. Rigor Mortis were the band centred round Ian Tebble on guitar, I think. Steve still plays and he's in Suffolk now, we have a mutual friend but I haven't seen him myself for years.
Kevin Danks...
"I remember them doing Smoke on the Water and Black Knight, at the time they were called Armageddon [Ed - wrong, its been established this was PowerAxe - see above]. This would be around 1980 or '81. They had Karl Rose from my year on bass, but he never made it to the concert in the gym, having got paralytic and thrown up, so someone's father had to stand in (the drummer's I think - can't remember his name, was a year or two younger than me) {Sean Holden & Barry Holden? [Ed - it was Sean]}.
Armageddon were famous for arranging to play at a girl's private school near Mundesley, until the headmistress found out and banned it. Rock and roll renegades, or something....."
Underground Zero - Circa forever or at least so it seems
Sean Holden was the Drummer, His dad Barry (who ran Barry's Tackle Den (?) in N.Walsham) was involved I think as Bass player and may well have been a Pastonian of a few years previous. Prone to playing "Hawkwind" genre stuff in a very professional manner. Sean had a massive drum kit which had lots of electrical bits attached to it, I remember from One Gig upstairs at the King's Arms in NW (about 83/84 when he was in the Hellfire Club) the kit took up most of the room. They made lots of records. Go here for the Truth about Norfolks own supergroup http://users.powernet.co.uk/rix/ since I made a lot of this up because I knew scant details and my memory ain't so good. thanks to Andrew Rix for putting me right.The have a website now - much more interesting that this small recollection http://www.undergroundzero.co.uk/
Skreeming Hordes
Green Beach - Circa 1984/85
This lot cross the divide between School and Post School, and whilst I can't remember that much at the moment, I think they contained Malcolm Birtwell and Dave Lewis (I'm not sure Dave was at Paston). Very Smiths in approach and style with some very slick and accomplished Guitar playing. prone to playing dives along the coast such as the Melbourne Lounge. Also appeared on the "Where's Bill Allard now?" compilation tape, which I quote "had it's moments" Over to Bill for a Pete Frame type History thing
Funky Smiths-a-likes out of the Cromerzone stable - many gigs at Melbourne, Village Inn Moons disco, Jacquard Club (Norwich) etc -
Pre Green Beach with no name - pompous overblown Marillion / Simple Minds tosh.
My memory gets hazy now, but I think it was after we had all left and I was working at the Naritch Onion and teamed up with David Lewis who used to give me a lift. He was a well respected drummer on the Cromer circuit and a mate of Malcolm Birtwells, but had gone onto playing bass. We joined up with some lads from North Walsham, who's names escape me, but the guitarist was well-known in NW, was actually very good, blonde hair - any clues (could this be andrew 'buck' hackett - now playing with edwyn collins?) Wasn't at Paston. Vocalist was possibly John Clare (mate of Jon Plumb at the time) -had a flat-top then, about 18 months later got seriously beaten-up in West Runton and was in a coma for a while. I remember he could actually sing. keyboards was a lank youth with crimped hair called Ed I think - he was very young. We used to rehearse in Ed's dad factory unit (at least I think it was Ed's dads.) on the bypass on the road to Yarmouth...nurse the screens, I feel a bowel movement coming on..
After that Dave and I joined-up with Malcolm to form.
Green Beach - aka The Smiths..
Green Beach had been around in various guises for a while, notably with Dave Lewis on Drums, Malcolm on guitar and Bongo (steve something) on bass. He was a long-term mate of Malcolms, been around the Cromer music scene a long time.
Tangent time - I knew Bongo well then: he and I had actually been in a band together years before with Emma Anderson from Sidestrand - she played bass, he played guitar and I'm fairly sure I didn't even have drums then! We actually did one gig at the UEA supporting a punk band called the Pits.they certainly were, and we can only have been even worse..
Anyway, Green Beach flourished - did lots of gigs, recorded the "Annoying the Neighbours" demo and I believe put the wind up the Hellfire Club as they came to see us once and took notes on our performance and stage presence (I kid you not!).also played at the Jacqard supporting Laurence and the Comfortable Society. Jem was in the crowd and all through our sound check they apparently likened us to the Smiths, all through their sound check we likened them to Lloyd Cole...
We sort of disintegrated when I spilt-up with a girlfriend the day of a gig at the Village Inn (hardly Sid and Nancy is it?), Malcolm got pissed in compensation, we were awful and the gig ended with us playing a new song called Dry Your Tears at the end of which Malcolm hurled his wailing guitar to the ground, leaving Dave and I to stumble off stage in a wall of feedback.
final line-up
Malcolm Birtwell - G'tar & words
Dave Lewis - Bass
Bill Allard - Drums
one release "Annoying the Neighbours" recorded and produced by Alistair Murphy released 1986: tracks:
Caution to the wind
Green Beach
Still Waiting
Living your life as a lie
A re-union would truly be something to behold.......speak to me people....
Bill Allard
Hellfire Club - Circa 1982/84
Probably the slickest band to come out of North Norfolk at the time, strictly sixth form only (all coming from coastal High schools) although Kevin Matthews who played Bass had a brother already at the school (Paul Matthews), Synthy moody Goth stuff. They had a manager called Steve, lots of wedgy spikey hair, and groupies at the Girls High... strange stuff indeed. At some point they contained Sean Holden On Drums
line up:
Mark Wilson - Vocals
? - Guitar
Kevin Matthews - Synths/Bass
Steve ? - Keyboards and Manager.
Mark Wilson went on to do Music type stuff in London.
Seaview Bagpipes - Circa 1981/3
Diana Hare was in them more to follow
Skin - Circa 1988/89
Went through various line-ups - contained Phil Innes - famous for his use of firelighters (allegedly) also at several different times contained Tim Hall, Steve Parker and Nick Stone, rehearsed frantically in a piggery in Trimingham, that smelt very bad and was far too close to the radar masts nearby causing very loud interference. after lineup changes galore Phil took over on vocals and did a demo tape, I don't know the line-up when they split. Phil was last seen heading off to London to do a degree (no he's not a fireman)
Half Time Oranges - early to Mid 90's maybe still going.
Contained Colin Brown, Achieved fame for writing songs about football (which is a Norwich band habit - look at serious drinking), and have produced quite a few records, Probably one of the most successful bands mentioned here, with Peel plays etc. - assistance please somebody.
The Joeys - early to Mid 90's.
Contained Richard Tomlinson, who was in the 6th 82 - 84, and is still doing band things apparently. I know not what. Did several singles and appeared on a compilation album. distinctly buzzcocks/undertones. i liked em. Rich where are you when i need help with a write up? releases on noisebox records
Hard Cousin/Ruby Flipper - Mid to late 90's still going.
A Steve Little thing, which initially started with a girl called Emma on vocals, Dibble on Bass and Shaun on Drums. Martin Risebro now plays bass, and they have another drummer. I always particularly rated "Hard Cousin" Quite Avant Garde and heavily Rhythmical, had a split single out on Wilde Club records called Tiger Rider, which didn't really do the live performance justice. Ruby Flipper a much neater and more musical thing.
Emma - Vocals
Steve "Slit" Little - Guitar
Martin Risebro - Bass
? - drums
releases on Wilde Club records
All that Glitters - early to Mid 90's
Apparently very succesful, although I never witnessed the full glory. Glam Covers band - replete with make-up, stack heels and glitter costumes. Contained a certain Bill Allard Esquire with his unfeasably large drum kit. Never get in an arguement with Bill about whose supported the best bands - they supported everybody and played everywhere.
Steerpike - early to Mid 90's
Baby of Nick Stone, Richard Ringer: a non Pastonian, Tim (Hall) Mills, and Mark Watson (6th form 82 - 84) plus Anna Barron (a talented cellist who sank very low when she joined). Played a moody and slightly psychotic brand of Indie, One single - which got played on the Radio several times, several gigs in London. fleeting record company interest and a beer with Uncle John Peel. Promptly split up and did everybody a favour.
Anna Barron - Vocals
Richard Ringer - Guitar/Noise
Tim Mills - Guitar/power chords
Nick Stone - Bass/drinking
Mark Watson - Drums/drinking
Mark is the only ex-pastonian (sort of) that went on to do more music - touring Europe in dodgy vans drumming with 'Yoghurt Belly' and 'Pelt' he now works the desk at a recording studio.
It was a laugh, what more can I say... Oh yes The label has about 40 copies of the record left - we pressed 500... speaks volumes.
releases on noisebox records
Samarkand - late 90's onwards
A Bill Allard thing, entirely self written, recorded and produced, I liked it, The sub-bass is fairly heavy which is good, in my view. Reminiscent of System 7 in my view - but what do I know about such things, cheers for the CD Bill.
Part of the consequence of Jem and I trying to get a band going in London was that I invested in quite a lot of kit - we couldn't find people in the same frame of mind as us, so we set about recording our own stuff, and this took us off into nether-nether land. I got more into techno and stuff and and bought more and more kit, whilst Jem went back to Guitars. Samarkand was the result of my nocturnal twiddlings.
Bill Allard
Canis Strange (and reference to 'Pangea')
http://norwichmusic.wikia.com/wiki/Canis_Strange |
Contemporary era ! 2014
Zarkovs Rockets
Just discovered Kevin Fiske playing lead guitar in this 4 piece (Lead, Bass, Drums, Vocals) in a regular spot at the Orchard Gardens. Seems very popular and not half bad with a lot of popular covers.
Here's a rough phone recording of 'Shout', their finale.
Kevin, let us know the other members.
Zarkovs Rockets
Just discovered Kevin Fiske playing lead guitar in this 4 piece (Lead, Bass, Drums, Vocals) in a regular spot at the Orchard Gardens. Seems very popular and not half bad with a lot of popular covers.
Here's a rough phone recording of 'Shout', their finale.
Kevin, let us know the other members.

zarkovs_rockets_-_kevin_fiske.aac | |
File Size: | 4146 kb |
File Type: | aac |