![]() This website is organic and new content will be added as we get it. See this page for News of these updates or other interesting items, events etc.
Feel free to submit Paston related items. |
7th September 2016
5 months has passed - posted the Invitation to the Trafalgar Dinner 2016, and AGM. See you there.
5 months has passed - posted the Invitation to the Trafalgar Dinner 2016, and AGM. See you there.
7th April 2016
Added the Invitation to the 50th Anniversary of the Old Pastonian Lodge
Added the Invitation to the 50th Anniversary of the Old Pastonian Lodge
8th Sept 2015
Added the Annual Trafalgar Dinner and AGM Invitation, at the School.
Added the Annual Trafalgar Dinner and AGM Invitation, at the School.
24th Aug 2015
A short recollection of some Masters from Frank Sharp
A short recollection of some Masters from Frank Sharp
17th Aug 2015
A new recollection, courtesy of Peter Barrs 1969-71. I love reading these old stories. Also added his recollection of Nelson Documentary made at the School in 1971.
A new recollection, courtesy of Peter Barrs 1969-71. I love reading these old stories. Also added his recollection of Nelson Documentary made at the School in 1971.
18th Apr 2015
A few new additions since the last update. A 1938 Wholeschool picture and an expanded 1980 one with names. Added some details on the passing of Roger Shuey McPhee and others.
A few new additions since the last update. A 1938 Wholeschool picture and an expanded 1980 one with names. Added some details on the passing of Roger Shuey McPhee and others.
12th Jan 2015
Added new Whole School Photo for 1955. Thanks to Bernie Woods for scanning.
Added new Whole School Photo for 1955. Thanks to Bernie Woods for scanning.
5th Jan 2015
Welcome to 2015. This year we have some more memorabilia to catalogue, digitise and upload and looking for more contributions all the time. Be patient as it takes time, and send any requests you may have.
Welcome to 2015. This year we have some more memorabilia to catalogue, digitise and upload and looking for more contributions all the time. Be patient as it takes time, and send any requests you may have.
9th Nov 2014
Remembrance Sunday. Added details of Roger Pettit (1947) and a scan of the Pastonian from 1917 with details of 300+ serving Old Boys in the WW1 Forces. See HERE.
Remembrance Sunday. Added details of Roger Pettit (1947) and a scan of the Pastonian from 1917 with details of 300+ serving Old Boys in the WW1 Forces. See HERE.
26th Oct 2014
Added some updates about the AGM and Trafalgar Dinner. Recordings of the School Song and Toasts. A few pictures.
Added some updates about the AGM and Trafalgar Dinner. Recordings of the School Song and Toasts. A few pictures.
15th Sept 2014
Added Recollections received to the Blog and Visitors page, And a random 1960 photo to the Paston Arts (early) collection. Guess who they are?
Added Recollections received to the Blog and Visitors page, And a random 1960 photo to the Paston Arts (early) collection. Guess who they are?
2nd Aug 2014
Added a set of video tour snippets. Excuse the rough edit.
Added a set of video tour snippets. Excuse the rough edit.
4th July 2014
Added a SOP Tuck-Shop (online shop) where you can get a Tie or the History of Paston School book
Also re-ordered the Member pages and updated on the Centenary Donation to Paston for the Nelson room - presented at the College 30Year Anniversary
Added a SOP Tuck-Shop (online shop) where you can get a Tie or the History of Paston School book
Also re-ordered the Member pages and updated on the Centenary Donation to Paston for the Nelson room - presented at the College 30Year Anniversary
21st April 2014
Added The Pastonian, Issue 107, 1948
Added The Pastonian, Issue 107, 1948
15th April 2014
Added scan of The Pastonian Supplement 1946 - documenting WWII Honours and Lost.
Added scan of The Pastonian Supplement 1946 - documenting WWII Honours and Lost.
3rd April 2014
Uploaded Whole School Photo collages ! Crudely stitched together, but some good.
Uploaded Whole School Photo collages ! Crudely stitched together, but some good.
30th March 2014
Scanned and uploaded the 1919 Edition of the Pastonian - fascinating recollections in there.
Scanned and uploaded the 1919 Edition of the Pastonian - fascinating recollections in there.
24th March 2014
Added another Pastonian (1979-80). More membership requests processed. Paston College Alumni call for 'Life Stories' for 30Years of Sixth Form College.
6th March 2014
Recorded the passing of Masters Doker and Percy. Beginning to scan/archive selected Old Pastonians publications. Reminiscences from OPs posted here.
22nd December 2013
A refresh of the website template - navigation all the same - better template. Comments welcome and Happy Xmas all Old Pastonians.
21st October 2013
Trafalgar Day 2013. The SOP Dinner was on Saturday 19th Oct and well attended. Pics to be added, and Minutes in due course (Members Pages)
7th October 2013
There's been more changes/additions since the Newsletter. The Trafalgar Dinner and SOP AGM is a couple of weeks away. We put links to the Nelson Museum on this site and are making good progress with the Centenary collection for a Nelson Room Carpet in the School House.
21st August 2013
The Annual Newsletter and Dinner Invite is out. As a result the site got a rush of attention and quite a few SOP sign-ups.
2nd April 2013
OK, you missed the April Fool. But today added Book 02 and 03 of the Sports Photos 1954-61, to the Members section
26th March 2013
Started putting Granny Hill Photo collections into the Members section. It will take a while.
18th March 2013
More on the 'Lost Property' family search, including Descendency Tree.
15th March 2013
Added SOP Members pages.
Further progress on the Lost Property case. Added some Paston family links.
Further progress on the Lost Property case. Added some Paston family links.
14th March 2013
Update to the Lost Property mission. Excellent work.
Dick Stannards' funeral arrangements posted on the Blog page
Dick Stannards' funeral arrangements posted on the Blog page
12th March 2013
The site hit the streets after being mentioned on the Facebook Paston Group page. It went crazy mad for a bit, with several quick joiners of SOP, some voting and a lot of OPs providing their contact details for an offline Pastonian listing.
Also added some trivia and mementos salvaged from the 'Alternative Paston' website of old.
Keep it coming.
Also added some trivia and mementos salvaged from the 'Alternative Paston' website of old.
Keep it coming.