Ported from version1 website blog to here.
Stephen Rogers said:
Just heard about the new website from the SOP newsletter. Great idea and thanks. Let's hope you get lots of visitors and feedback.
Just heard about the new website from the SOP newsletter. Great idea and thanks. Let's hope you get lots of visitors and feedback.
Alan Thomas said:
Hi to all my former class/year mates at the Paston Grammar School 1975 - 82.
Hi to all my former class/year mates at the Paston Grammar School 1975 - 82.
Jeremy Norman said:
Just a 'hail' to any class and tear mates. 1962 to 1967
Just a 'hail' to any class and tear mates. 1962 to 1967
Robin Maclean said:
Greetings to all my friends. (1947-1953).
Greetings to all my friends. (1947-1953).
Iain Maxted said:
Hello to all OP's who were at the school 1975-1982! Won't make it to the SOP dinner this year but hope to see a few of you next year.
Hello to all OP's who were at the school 1975-1982! Won't make it to the SOP dinner this year but hope to see a few of you next year.
Alan Thomas said:
Hi Iain - at last, someone from my year has posted a comment! Although I've been an old Pastonian for years, I didn't think anyone else joined the 'Old Boys Society'! I met a few of our classmates nearly 20 years ago at the Paston School, which was a seperately arranged event by Ian Futter, who couldn't make it himself in the end! I've had an e-mail discussion with John Dring recently, have been in constant contact with Perry Dyball since we left school, briefly had e-mail contact with (Ian?) Fellowes about 10 years ago when he was in London, and am still just about in contact (Xmas card level) with Tim Brookes who was in the RAF for many years. I worked as a Barman, and had 3 brief jobs with East Sussex County Council, before I was in the RAF for 6 years, and I've been in the Ministry of Defence since 1989...which reminds me, I'm at work (no e-mail at home at the moment) so I'd better sign off. All the best, Alan.
Hi Iain - at last, someone from my year has posted a comment! Although I've been an old Pastonian for years, I didn't think anyone else joined the 'Old Boys Society'! I met a few of our classmates nearly 20 years ago at the Paston School, which was a seperately arranged event by Ian Futter, who couldn't make it himself in the end! I've had an e-mail discussion with John Dring recently, have been in constant contact with Perry Dyball since we left school, briefly had e-mail contact with (Ian?) Fellowes about 10 years ago when he was in London, and am still just about in contact (Xmas card level) with Tim Brookes who was in the RAF for many years. I worked as a Barman, and had 3 brief jobs with East Sussex County Council, before I was in the RAF for 6 years, and I've been in the Ministry of Defence since 1989...which reminds me, I'm at work (no e-mail at home at the moment) so I'd better sign off. All the best, Alan.